Monday, August 20, 2012

There's an App for that! United Healthcare's Health4Me

I was chatting with a staff member earlier today about her recent visit to an urgent care center. She was traveling and struggled a bit to identify a participating provider. She figured it out, but the task would have been easier if she'd have had Health4Me, United Healthcare's mobile app on her phone. With it, she'd have been able to quickly identify the nearest urgent care center and pull up her ID card on her phone when she got there. 

The Health4Me app is available from the Apple iTunes App Store as a free download for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It is also available as a free download in the Android marketplace for Android phones.

Don't wait until you need it. Download this app today and make sure it's on your family member's phones too. Take a minute to login and look around, so you'll remember you have this powerful resource at your finger tips when you need it most. 

Use UHC's Health4Me app to:

  • Identify urgent care and emergency rooms when and where you need them
  • Display your ID card
  • See benefit amounts
  • View claims
  • Estimate costs for services
  • Search for doctors
  • Search for hospitals and other facilities
  • Contact the NurseLine

A little more on that last bullet. When you're uncertain what to do, I highly recommend making a call to the Nurseline (888-887-4114). A team of experienced registered nurses are available to answer your health questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week at no cost to you. You can contact the Nurseline through the app, but I recommend saving it in your contact list as well for quick access.

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