True Athlete Performance planned and executed the event for us. Here are the descriptions of the challenges.
Hurdle Relay Challenge:
Fitness Components Tested: Speed, Agility, Quickness, Coordination
For the hurdle relay challenge, team members completed footwork drills through 6 small hurdles down and back before teammates would perform the same task. Total team times were recorded and then averaged in order to determine the overall winner. The drills included doubles and doubles to Hurdle Weave. In each of these drills, the goal is to keep your feet moving quickly while staying under control to make sure the drill is done correctly.
Abdominal Bridge Challenge:
Fitness Components Tested: Total Body Strength, Core Stability
Fitness Components Tested: Balance, Coordination, Core Strength, Ankle/Knee Stability
This was probably the most difficult challenge of the three. The challenge began with each member of the team walking on to a piece of balance equipment. Each time a person fell, 1 second was added to the total challenge time. Once each team member was at a station, 5 medicine balls were passed from one end to the other. Once every medicine ball was moved to the other side, the time was recorded. The lowest time, with penalties added, was the winner.