Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our Heart Health Cholesterol Initiative -- Background Reading

I haven't blogged about it much at this point, but we have an exciting heart health initiative going on to help people manage their cholesterol. I'm partnering with David Foreman and Lifework Strategies on this project and I look forward to telling you all about it when the data is in. In the meantime, I've read a number of articles on cholesterol that some of you might find interesting.

Dave talked about this when he gave a presentation to our staff last month. 
'Bad' Cholesterol Not as Bad as People Think, Study Shows

Carol Williams shared this article with me... 
Some Docs in Denial About Statin Side Effects

Paula Seesman passed this link along to me...
Physical Activity Alters Effects of Various HDL-Modifying Genes

And, there was a recent study that showed an apple a day is still good advice to keep the doctor away.
Apples Good for Your Heart -- Eating Apples Daily Lowers Cholesterol, Inflammation, Study Finds

Stay tuned... 

Update 7/1/2011 -- Dave just shared these articles with me about the FDA issuing new restrictions, contraindications and dose limitations for a statin and statins being linked to diabetes.
FDA Warns Not to Take High-Dose Zocor
High-Dose Statins May Increase Diabetes Risk

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