I'm sitting here reading my November 2010 issue of Shape Magazine. (By the way, this is my favorite magazine. I've been reading it for years and I still look forward to its arrival every month.) There is a short article, Book Clubs Get a Healthy Makeover. It describes a book club that was developed by Jennifer Huberty, Ph.D., an associate professor of physical activity in health promotion at the University of Nebraska. They meet in person in Omaha, but for $40 a month you can join the online discussion. Evidently they read best sellers and then Huberty relates the story to topics like confidence and changing behaviors.
We actually have a book club in our office and I know a lot of folks participate in book clubs outside of work. So, I'm wondering if this might be a way to engage staff in our wellness program that we've had trouble reaching and offer some additional support to people that are already engaged.
Please share your thoughts. (Yes, this includes staff. I'll gladly take your feedback and suggestions any way you choose to share, but I do love it when people leave comments on my blog. And, that holds true whether you agree or disagree with me.)
And, please let me know if you have a book in mind that you think would be a good "fit" for an endeavor like this.
janet, i like the idea. i especially like it if it includes all types of health and wellbeing -- spiritual, emotional, financial -- and all types of books. it seems like an excellent way to bring people together and to broaden the definition and discussion of wellness. plus, through the conversation you might tap into additional needs to direct your future efforts.
janet, i've been thinking about what's made some of my book clubs more enjoyable and thought-provoking than others. the ones i've gotten more from and stuck with for longer pulled together people with broad interests and open minds; let the group form the ground rules; selected the next book by group vote; strove hard to truly discuss the book and its themes; accepted and expected that some books would be bombs. these worked for me and my current group. so, i'd give a lot of thought to guiding people through that initial discussion of what type of book club you want to be and how the club wants to run things.
I think that the Book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen could be a good fit!!
Regardless of what book is picked, I am very interested in hearing how this goes!!
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