Monday, May 6, 2013

Reading List: From the Human Resource Executive Health & Benefits Leadership Conference

As books, studies, movies, etc... were mentioned during the conference, I took note. Here is my reading, watching and listening list:
Image from

  1. Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare -- A well-done documentary about how our health care system is designed to profit from disease, not health. I downloaded it from Amazon and watched it on the flight home. 
  2. Bitter Pill: How outrageous pricing and egregious profits are destroying our health care -- This was a special report from Time Magazine published March 4, 2013. It's long -- about 54 pages, but worth reading. I stopped by the library and they emailed it to me. (Don't know why I don't think to use the library more often.)
  3. Employee Benefits: Are You Getting Your Money's Worth? a white paper from Colonial Life 
  4. Well on the Way: Engaging Employees in Workplace Wellness a white paper from Colonial Life
  5. Reshaping Health Care -- 18th Annual Towers Watson/National Business Group on Health Employer Survey on Purchasing Value in Health Care
  6. Workforce Health and Productivity: How Employers Measure, Benchmark and use Productivity Outcomes -- Mentioned by John Riedel
  7. Mindspace -- Influencing behavior through public policy mentioned by Amy Moore.
  8. mHealth Report from Ruder Finn -- How consumers in the U.S. are using mobile devices to manage their health. 
  9. Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss
  10. Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger
  11. The Conversation Project -- Carol Harnett mentioned this initiative and she talks about it a bit in this post on how we can support caregivers in the workplace. 
And finally, I was one of five employee benefits leaders invited to participate in a discussion about the conference and employee benefits in general that was recorded for CoHealth Checkup. Fran Melmed and Carol Harnett are the hosts. I was honored to be included in the discussion with Andrew Gold, Executive Director, Global Benefits Planning, Pitney Bowes, Vlad Gyster, CEO and Founder, H.Engage, Bonnie Pang, Vice President, Employee Benefits, Atlas Insurance Agency, and Jennifer Benz, Founder and Chief Strategist, Benz Communications. Listen here or tune in on iTunes. (You really should listen to CoHealth Checkup every month.) 

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If you know of something I missed, please leave a comment below.

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